Saturday, October 06, 2007

The First Time I Spoke to the Whole Class draft~1

The first time I spoke to the whole class. It happened on a summer day when I was a fifth grade primary school student. One day our teacher pronounced an essential thing which was we had to read the text a loud tomorrow. What a terrible news for me. Because I had never spoken to the whole class before. It made me very nervous and I didn’t know what can I do tomorrow.

The teacher walked into class and it is time for us to read the text a loud. For a while, it was my turn to platform. I walked very slowly to the platform, my hands were sweaty. Everybody looked at me, finally I stood on the platform. I started speaking to the whole class for 3 minutes and I turned back to my seat.My face became red and my heart beat very fast. But it really exciting and I will never forgot.


Blogger Fanny said...

"turned back to my seat.My face became..."
"seat" and "My" 之間加個空格
" I will never forgot."
you can change into
" I will never forget."

11:56 PM  
Blogger 美萱 said...

It is nervous,isn't it?
I can understand your feeling because I have the similar experience.

8:07 AM  
Blogger Dora said...

"One day our teacher pronounced...."-->After the "One day", can add a ",".

".....I didn’t know what can I do tomorrow."--> Change to "...what I can do....."

2:25 AM  
Blogger Phoebe Lee said...

You treaded your first step!

7:09 AM  

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