Saturday, September 29, 2007

I work as a volunteer in a hospital.~draft 2

I live in Taipei and work as a volunteer in a hospital. It really feels good to get the opportunity to help people. Yesterday morning, an old woman who took lots of garbage was passing by. That garbage was too heavy for her to take out, so she tood a rest on the side of the road a few seconds. As soon as I saw this situation, I helped that old woman took her garbage out immediately. After I did that favor for her,we returned to the hospital. On the road, we chat with each other happily. She said that her son who is a businessman and seldom come back. For a moment, she continued saying : “It 's really good to see you, you gave me a sweet time.”Suddenly, she disappeard and I woke up. Last, what in my mind is it really feels good to get the opportunity to help people. We should be that somebody to help people.


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