Saturday, September 22, 2007

I work as a volunteer in a hospital.~draft 1

I live in Taipei and work as a volunteer in a hospital. It really feels good to get the opportunity to help people. Yesterday morning, an old woman who took lot of garbage was passing by. I helped that old woman took her garbage out. I thought that garbage was too heavy for her to took out. After I did that favor for her. We returned to the hospital in the road, we chat with each other happily. When a person accept your help, they might do many different ways to express their thanks to you , such as giving you a smile or just say thank you and give you some present. Because of these things make so much people to help others. They do not care those precious gifts, to the contrary what they care is the feeling after helping people. It really feels good to get the opportunity to help people. We should be that somebody to help people.


Blogger Fanny said...

"helped that old woman took her garbage out."
the word "took" should change into "take"
" too heavy for her to took out"
"took" should change into "take"

4:05 PM  
Blogger Phoebe Lee said...

"After I did that favor for her. We returned to the hospital in the road, we chat with each other happily." should be "After I did that favor for her,we returned to the hospital. On the road, we chated with each other happily."

跟那位old woman的故事好像還沒完耶

7:23 AM  
Blogger candy said...

夢 感覺也還沒有完....

8:09 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

"When a person accept your help, they might do many different ways to express their thanks to you , such as giving you a smile or just say thank you and give you some present. "accept" should add "ed".

3:07 AM  
Blogger  said...

I think the story was written the yourself opinion too more.But it's a good way to tell us you like to help people.
At the end, I can see that when you help people you feel joyful.

6:58 AM  
Blogger 美萱 said...

"an old woman who took lot of garbage was passing by."->"an old woman who took lots of garbage was passing by."

What happened after you chated with each other?
And who was the old woman?

8:37 AM  

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