Friday, January 18, 2008

My Two Friends Are Different in many Ways~draft 1

Two of my friends Jam and Wriver are different in many ways. First of all, Wriver is 167cm while Jam is157cm. Next, Wriver has a slender figure and her weight is 48kg. On the other hand, Jam is 58kg and looks heavier than Wriver. Thirdly,
Wriver's hair style is long and straight, whereas Jam's is short and wavy. Last but not the least,Wriver is introvert, cleaver and shy. Unlike Wriver Jam is extrovert, funny and talkative. Lastly, Wriver always looks the negative side of things, in contrast with Wriver Jam always looks the bright side of things. Even though Wriver and Jam are very different, they still the best friends of mine.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

My Favorite Season ~draft 1

My favorite season is Fall. First, I like the voice which people step on the leaves. The voice is tremendous and make me feel great. Second, I like the scenery in Fall. The most beautiful scenery in Fall is maple leaves. Especialy when the maple leaves are dropping. Last, I can eat much tasty food. Much food begin be saled in Fall. So, in Fall I can eat much delicious food that I can't eat in other season. Because of these three reasons, my favorite season is Fall.

"The First Time I Spoke to the Whole Class draft~2"

The first time I spoke to the whole class. It happened on a summer day when I was a fifth grade primary school student. One day, our teacher pronounced an essential thing which was we had to read the text a loud tomorrow. What a terrible news for me. Because I had never spoken to the whole class before. It made me very nervous and I didn't know what I can do tomorrow.The teacher walked into class and it is time for us to read the text a loud. For a while, it was my turn to platform. I walked very slowly to the platform, my hands were sweaty. Everybody looked at me, finally I stood on the platform. I started speaking to the whole class for 3 minutes and I turned back to my seat.My face became red and my heart beat very fast. But it really exciting and I will never forget.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The First Time I Spoke to the Whole Class draft~2

The first time I spoke to the whole class. It happened on a summer day when I was a fifth grade primary school student. One day, our teacher pronounced an essential thing which was we had to read the text a loud tomorrow. What a terrible news for me. Because I had never spoken to the whole class before. It made me very nervous and I didn't know what I can do tomorrow.The teacher walked into class and it is time for us to read the text a loud. For a while, it was my turn to platform. I walked very slowly to the platform, my hands were sweaty. Everybody looked at me, finally I stood on the platform. I started speaking to the whole class for 3 minutes and I turned back to my seat.My face became red and my heart beat very fast. But it really exciting and I will never forget.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

The First Time I Spoke to the Whole Class draft~1

The first time I spoke to the whole class. It happened on a summer day when I was a fifth grade primary school student. One day our teacher pronounced an essential thing which was we had to read the text a loud tomorrow. What a terrible news for me. Because I had never spoken to the whole class before. It made me very nervous and I didn’t know what can I do tomorrow.

The teacher walked into class and it is time for us to read the text a loud. For a while, it was my turn to platform. I walked very slowly to the platform, my hands were sweaty. Everybody looked at me, finally I stood on the platform. I started speaking to the whole class for 3 minutes and I turned back to my seat.My face became red and my heart beat very fast. But it really exciting and I will never forgot.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I work as a volunteer in a hospital.~draft 2

I live in Taipei and work as a volunteer in a hospital. It really feels good to get the opportunity to help people. Yesterday morning, an old woman who took lots of garbage was passing by. That garbage was too heavy for her to take out, so she tood a rest on the side of the road a few seconds. As soon as I saw this situation, I helped that old woman took her garbage out immediately. After I did that favor for her,we returned to the hospital. On the road, we chat with each other happily. She said that her son who is a businessman and seldom come back. For a moment, she continued saying : “It 's really good to see you, you gave me a sweet time.”Suddenly, she disappeard and I woke up. Last, what in my mind is it really feels good to get the opportunity to help people. We should be that somebody to help people.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I work as a volunteer in a hospital.~draft 1

I live in Taipei and work as a volunteer in a hospital. It really feels good to get the opportunity to help people. Yesterday morning, an old woman who took lot of garbage was passing by. I helped that old woman took her garbage out. I thought that garbage was too heavy for her to took out. After I did that favor for her. We returned to the hospital in the road, we chat with each other happily. When a person accept your help, they might do many different ways to express their thanks to you , such as giving you a smile or just say thank you and give you some present. Because of these things make so much people to help others. They do not care those precious gifts, to the contrary what they care is the feeling after helping people. It really feels good to get the opportunity to help people. We should be that somebody to help people.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"Making Decisions--draft~2"

Growing up means making my own decisions. I think that I am old enough to be responsible for my own decisions. I am not a little and innocent girl anymore.I evolve separateness instead of depending on other people. Therefore, I should start to learn not only how to make my own decisions but also be responsible for it.
The hardest decision that I ever made was to think which senior high school I wanted to enter. From the beginning, my mom disagreed on my advice. She wanted me to enter senior high school but I wanted to enter vocation senior high school.Nevertheless she still took my advice, and I started my new life.